
Opportunities and challenges of the immersive sound

Immersive sound has always had an important role in immersive experiences.  We perceive the physical and digital worlds not only through images but also... Continue reading

High Jewellery NFTs: Bulgari and MIAT bring to life on of its kind Artworks.

First presented during the launch of the new Eden Garden of Wonders High Jewellery collection in Paris and then during... Continue reading

MIAT for Rumors d’Ambiente

Metaverse, risk or opportunity? During the second season of the podcast Rumors d’Ambiente by Repower, our CEO and Founder Elisabetta... Continue reading

MIAT at Beauty Tech Day

During the final Open Talk at the Beauty Tech day, organised by StartupItalia and l’Oreal Italia, our CEO and Founder Elisabetta Rotolo I... Continue reading

Documentaries and Virtual Reality

The entertainment industry is experiencing a major technological revolution. Immersive journalism and docu-vr are the most important outcomes of the fusion between the... Continue reading

Skills and training for working in the web 3.0

In an extremely dynamic and constantly evolving market, brands and companies are increasingly oriented towards innovation, driven by the spread... Continue reading

What will be the entertainment of the future?

Artists like Ariana Grande, Lil Nax, and Achille Lauro, as well as music festivals, have already landed in the metaverse... Continue reading

Stories in XR meet Elisabetta Rotolo

In her interview published by Simonetta Pozzi, our CEO and Founder Elisabetta Rotolo I MBA gave an interesting overview about... Continue reading

New possibilities for businesses: the Metaverse

The interest on Metaverse is growing exponentially day by day. This new virtual space, it is not just a virtual... Continue reading

About Mixed Reality in product design

Challenges with Mixed Reality -MR- glasses or headset devices such as optical field of vision, contrast, size, weight, battery life,... Continue reading