MIAT for the Podcast #Professioniste!

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A production of Radio24& WiFT&M.

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Our CEO Elisabetta Rotolo never stops and a few weeks ago had the pleasure to talk with the podcast #PROFESSIONIste, a production of WIFTM Italia – Women in Film Television Media Italia in collaboration with Radio 24.

The podcast gives an insight into the working world of tomorrow and the trend of the future in order to be able to tell and direct the younger generation to the world of work. Elisabetta tells how the approach to emerging technologies is very complicated especially in Italy, few paths available and few talents able to integrate art and technology to create new languages.

Elisabetta highlighted how the talents of the future and how the jobs of tomorrow will require a different curriculum than we have always been used to, emerging technologies and XR play a key role in the professions and increasingly require creative, flexible and multidisciplinary expertise.

Among the jobs of the future at the heart of the immersive sector are content creators or immersive storytellers, those capable of working with all of these technologies, from Augmented Reality to gaming language and visual Art. Creative technologist, XR developers and Blockchain engineers who must have not only cloud expertise but also a deep understanding of decentralized ecosystems and will be responsible for creating virtual environments.

In a scenario that is changing more and more also with the ever more profound entry of artificial intelligence into our lives as also the World Economic Forum reveals, between 2020 and 2025, the share of tasks assigned to machines would increase by 10%, to the detriment of those performed by humans.

Among these jobs will be, above all, those dedicated to the inception of data, and those who will prevail will be those who will be able to expand their creativity through the use of emerging technologies.What changes the most is the approach to work, i.e. it will no longer require sectoral skills or expertise in a single area but rather the ability to have a holistic outlook and approach capable of integrating social, creative and technological aspects in every job.To do this, so-called soft skills, from problem solving to critical thinking, will also be essential.

Additionally, she discussed how the entertainment  industry, including artists and companies such as Netflix and CNN, are transitioning into the immersive sector and metaverse. This shift is expected to bring about significant changes not only for viewers but also for production and technical sectors.

The possibilities in the field of emerging and immersive technologies are endless and are open to all who wish to embrace this new world of storytelling and exploration. Embarking on a path in this field could have either a creative, technical, technological or managerial slant.

Depending on the creative, technological or managerial direction, it is necessary to deepen a 360º view on the fundamentals of XR, storytelling and immersive art, the Metaverse, and Web3, what NFTs are and how they are unlocking new potentials on different platforms, the different forms of the metaverse (blockchain, gaming, cryptocurrencies and investments, digital assets, etc.). 

The global market is ready for this change, countries such as England and the United States have made deep investments in these markets, and although Italy is still slightly behind in this market, we see around us more and more activations and interest in Web3 and immersive experiences not only for production but also for brands.

At MIAT in our creative and educational hub for immersive arts and emerging technology we work every day to strengthen the talents of the future from all over the world immersive storytellers, immersive producers, creative technologists and to create original immersive experiences. 

We need and we want more talents in this fast growing innovative field.

Listen here the full episode: S2 – Ep. 8 | Elisabetta Rotolo, CEO e Founder di MIAT – Uno sguardo al presente e al futuro dell’audiovisivo – PROFESSIONIste – Le protagoniste dell’audiovisivo si raccontano | Podcast on Spotify